The EXPGE export KML files for Google Earth. Use it in conjunction with the
To use the command:
(; DO NOT ALTER THIS LINE !!!! ; Name HalfTimeMax Overturn dx dy dz ; ------------------------------------------------- --------------------- ("WGS84" 6378137.0 298.257223563 0.00 0.00 0.00) ; Resolution of the Presidency of the IBGE n ° 23 of 21/02/89 ("SAD69 (1987-1994)" 6378160.0 298.25 -66.87 4.37 -38.52) ; Http:// ("SAD69 (APOS 1994)" 6378160.0 298.25 -67.35 3.88 -38.22) ; Http:// ("ED50" 6378388.0 297.00 84.87 96.49 116.95) ; ("Astro Chuá PY" 6378388.0 297.00 -134.0 229.00 -29.00) ; Http:// ); DO NOT ALTER THIS LINE !!!!