
Video tutorials on using the program SOLIDOS Watch on YouTube

In this new format, the videos are shorter and there will be DWGs with the example of the video. These videos will be in the folder ./Support/tutorial/

  1. Installation
    1. Uninstall from Control Panel
    2. Install via NETLOAD
    3. Toolspace presentation, menu, ribbon
    4. Program folder overview
  2. Import Templates
    1. Import models in existing DWG or external file
      • ./Support/Catalogos.dwg
  3. Create Templates
    1. Simple Box Constructors
      • First Constructor to be created in the SOLIDOS program: A simple parameterized box
      • ./Support/tutorial/06 Create a simple box model.dwg
    2. Simple Cylinder Models (Best Practices)
      • Good practices to be adopted when creating a Constructor in the SOLIDOS program. Considerations for organizing the designer and naming components and properties
      • ./Support/tutorial/07 Best Practices in Constructor Designer.dwg
    3. Simple pipe Template
      • Modeling a linear device (single tube) talking a little about Required Properties
      • ./support/tutorial/08 Simple pipe Model.dwg
    4. Add connectors (to connect structure to pipe)
      • To connect point devices (manholes, manholes, connection boxes, etc) to linear devices (pipes, galleries, stairs, descents) it is necessary to mark on the point device, the positions and direction that the connection can occur .
      • ./Support/tutorial/09 Add connector to point devices.dwg
    5. Add redundant properties (Sump Elevation)
      • Certain types of devices need linked properties: the bottom dimension and the total height of a manhole for example
      • ./Support/tutorial/10 Add Bottom Quota.dwg
    6. Add GripPoint to bottom dimension
      • To make editing device geometry more efficient in profile, Nodes can add Grip Points that control device height, for example
      • ./Support/tutorial/11 Add Grip Point to Bottom Dimension.dwg
    7. Add properties in list, range or constant
      • Certain device properties must have values that are multiples of integer values. By creating a list of possible values, Nodes prevent the user from making a mistake in this measure.
      • ./Support/tutorial/12 Add Property with List of Values.dwg
    8. Take Property of other devices (connector and direction)
      • How to connect point devices with point devices, making it possible to assemble more complex elements
      • ./support/tutorial/20 Connecting point devices with point devices.dwg
    9. Add properties that don't change value when changing typical section
      • In this video, you will see how to configure a property that does not change its value when replacing the typical device section.
        For example: when changing the section of a triangular gutter that should be drawn on the left side, it needs to remain on the left side, even though the default value in the material list is on the right side
    10. Add catalog values (DER-SP, DNIT) to the Constructor
      • What if Nodes implemented in the Constructor an option to set all default device properties? This can make it easier when creating the material list and also ensure that the user does not make a mistake when launching a device without standardized measures
      • ./Support/tutorial/14 Structural Masonry Manhole.secb
    11. Add inverted slope to pipe
      • Linear device models have the slope property, which is calculated taking into account that its alteration changes the downstream elevation.
        But what if we wanted that, when changing the slope, we would change the upstream elevation?
    12. Longitudinal device modeling
      • How to create the device section, how to align this section to the axis, and how to "extrude" the section along the axis
      • Differences between modeling with the section aligned to the axis and the section always vertical
      • ./Support/tutorial/29 Modelagem de valeta de proteção.dwg
    13. How to make holes in the manhole walls where the pipe connects
      • How to get pipe axis, diameter, wall thickness
      • How to know if the structure is at the beginning or end of the pipe
      • Explanations on how to use vectors
      • ./Support/tutorial/35 Abrir buracos nas paredes dos PVs.dwg
    14. Linking the pipe elevations to the grade
      • How to get the reference grade elevations
      • How to recalculate the start and vim coordinates, so that they use these elevations
      • ./Support/tutorial/37 - tubo amarrado ao greide.dwg
    15. How to create devices using predefined solids
      • How to set the block that contains the solid
      • How to get a reference to the solid that is in this block, inside from the modeler
      • How to position and change scale
    16. Change location/rotation of mouths depending on the tube
  4. Material List
    1. Create new material list
      • To create nets, most important thing is to have a Materials List. In it, Nodes define which devices exist commercially with predetermined measurements and configurations
      • ./support/tutorial/13 Create Bill of Material.dwg
    2. Create Point Device Styles
      • How to create and define styles of point devices, choosing layer and material to be applied to components
      • ./support/tutorial/22 Create Device Styles.dwg
    3. Create Linear Device Styles
      • How to create linear device style by adding flow arrow, outer contour and axis
      • ./support/tutorial/23 Create Linear Device Styles.dwg
    4. Create and define pipe rules
      • Since the material list has already been created, it is a good practice to already create the rules that validate the Designing of the network. Compare with C3DRENESG4, how SOLIDOS implements and evaluates these rules
      • ./Support/tutorial/16 Creating rules to validate dimensioning.dwg
    5. Creating rules to validate the release of PVs
      • There are situations where the launch of the net causes the pipe to have dimensions incompatible with the connected manhole. This is difficult to see just by looking at the plan or in spreadsheets. This rule helps to check if this occurs, flagging the pipes with problems
      • ./Support/tutorial/17 Creating rules to validate the launch of PVs.dwg
  5. Create Network
    1. Drainage Network Design
      • In this video, you will see:
        • How to draw a Drainage Network in SOLIDOS
        • Which rules must be observed when posting snippets
        • How to know that one device has connected to another
        • How to tell if the catchment has connected in the right place
        • How to place the gutters correctly in relation to the curb
        • How to adjust pipe elevations and why boxes don't increase/decrease in height
      • ./Support/tutorial/14 Drainage Network Launch.dwg
    2. Sizing of surface drainage network
      • In this video you will see:
        • How and which device families to import
        • Create a bill of materials
        • Create the surface drainage network
        • Create contribution basins
        • Associate basins to devices
        • Check interconnections between devices and basins
        • Calculate the network
        • Validate sizing using rules
      • ./Support/tutorial/31 Calculation of surface drainage.dwg
    3. Convert PipeNetwork
      • In this video you will see:
        • Set up mapping from Civil 3D material list to SOLIDOS BOM
        • Tips for adding labels already in the correct styles
        • How SOLIDOS interprets the base dimensions of structures
        • How SOLIDOS interprets curved Pipes
      • ./support/tutorial/25 Import PipeNetwork.dwg
    4. Convert from Excel
    5. Convert PressureNetwork
    6. Import/Export SWMM
    7. Import EPANET INP file
      • In this video, you will learn:
        • Configure network import parameters
        • How SOLIDOS understands EPANET Nodes and links
        • How to verify that imported data has not been tampered with
        • Run the EPANET simulation inside Civil 3D
        • Create a table with the calculated demands for the nodes
      • ./Support/EPANET/Tutorial 03/03-AGUA/AGUA_VIS_EX_02_CIVIL.dwg
      • ./Support/EPANET/Tutorial 03/03-WATER/EX_02.inp
  6. Catchment and sector releases
    1. Add Consumer Sectors
      • In this video you will see:
        • Creation of a Consumer sector
        • Association of the consumer sector to Pressure Network pipes
        • Disassociation of the consumption sector from some pipes from the Pressure Network
        • How to calculate running demand and how it produces the Base Demand at EPANET junctions
      • ./Support/EPANET/Tutorial 03/03-AGUA/AGUA_VIS_EX_02_CIVIL.dwg
    2. Add Catchments
  7. Design
    1. Choose columns
    2. Why does the Designing data not appear in the spreadsheet?
    3. Minimize cover and section
    4. Rules to be evaluated
    5. Export table to excel/html
  8. Integration
    1. Add Property Set
  9. Finishing
    1. Create alignments passing through devices
    2. Create profile/section projections
    3. Edit projection options
    4. Create projection style
    5. Insert your LOGO on a manhole cover
    6. Insert predefined solids into devices
  10. Labels
    1. Add Label to devices, catchments and sectors
      • In this video, see how to create and configure labels on devices and catchments.
        Learn how to add a transparent background, include blocks, lines and how to search for properties to write texts
      • ./support/tutorial/21 Labels on devices and catchments.dwg
    2. Styling with Components
    3. Filter items to apply style
    4. Preset label style on network, Catchment, and sector
    5. Configure label in profile/section
  11. Reports/Tables
    1. Device Table
      • Box Service Note
        • How to create a box service note (manhole, culvert, wing...), identifying the coordinates, section, name, etc.
          Nodes also see how the process is to export the results to Excel and how to order the rows of the worksheet in some of the columns
        • ./Support/tutorial/19 Box Service Note.dwg
    2. Designing table
    3. Table of networks
    4. Table of catchments/sectors
  12. Excavation Calculation

The videos shown below are older. They were being posted as the program was being developed. You can follow the playlist on YouTube, or follow the links below:

  1. General Presentation
  2. Installation
  3. Creation of ground water outlet
  4. Adjusting water drop on terrain
  5. Creation of the Simple Tubular Concrete Manhole
  6. Creation of the Double Tubular Concrete Manhole
  7. Importing templates from existing projects or catalog and creating material list
  8. Converting PipeNetwork from Civil 3D to SOLIDOS
  9. How to Make PV Sump Elevation Editable
  10. Adding value tables
  11. Some tests with rules and styles after converting the Civil 3D grid to the SOLID program
  12. Tests with sewage network
  13. Adjusting sewage manhole in the SOLIDOS program network
  14. SOLIDOS - Creating standard DER SP Collection Box - part 1
  15. SOLIDOS - Creating standard DER SP Collection Box - part 2
  16. Creating a Metal Fender in the SOLIDOS program
  17. SOLIDOS - Better Mouth
  18. SOLIDS - Trapezoidal Tee
  19. SOLIDS - Building Connections - Sewage
  20. C3DRENESG4 networks conversion and results analysis
  21. SOLIDOS - Launching and Designing - Preliminary Settings
  22. SOLIDOS - Create and apply rules
  23. SOLIDS - Drainage Network design - Trenching
  24. SOLIDS - EPANET - Import
  25. SOLID - SWMM - Import
  26. SOLID - Splitting a Linear Device in 2
  27. SOLIDS - Rain Equation