Device Rule

An Device Rule, is a collection of checks that can be done on the device. These checks can flag the device in the following situations:

Checks can be made regarding the hydraulic Designing:

You can check the geometric conditions of the tube:

Rules also allow you to check whether they have been set:

That said, it is convenient to check which properties must be validated. To create a new rule, go to the Rules node and right-click, then click Create:

You can also use the command SRULES to create the rule.

As stated at the beginning, a rule is a collection of checks. So when creating a check, give it a suitable name:

In the expression above, the expression named "Diameter" checks that the pipe in question has the correct diameter. This would show a warning in the Designing worksheet if Nodes arbitrate this rule to a pipe whose diameter is not 800 mm:

In the Designing worksheet, if the rule checking field () is enabled, you will see the expression(s) that signal a problem:

Still in the spreadsheet, in the row headers, you will see next to the device icon, the highest priority indication that appears in the tube

To build an expression, after having named it in the upper frame, in the lower frame, build the expression to be evaluated, filling in the columns:

Note that an expression can have more than one line in the expression builder. For example:

As you add elements to the expression builder, it shows a message in the footer of the builder, which is the result of the expression you are editing. So, if an error occurs, it will be reported:

Note, if the expression cannot be evaluated and generates an error, the worksheet will report this error. An expression is only valid if it evaluates to:

Any other result is considered as an error in the expression syntax.

What checks to do?

These are some suggestions and you are free to add them or not