shows a schematic of the graphs of the gutter.
They can be:
Flow out - Displays the calculated flow in each section and also the allowable flow to that section
Water height - water height calculated in each section, comparing with the water height and the maximum critical height
Flow Speed - speed in each section, compared with the maximum permissible speed for the cross section
You can also change the colors of this screen.
See parameters frame.
You can change the zoom:
" Zoom Extents "
Double click mouse also zooms extents
Clicking the wheel and move is " zoom pan "
Spinning the mouse wheel will zoom dynamic
allows to see the spreadsheet with the data they generate graphs
The columns are:
EST - Distance of the amount
DECL - Slope of greide at station.
The profile must be set using the command
Hlam - water height calculated for the section height
HC - Height calculated critical to the section and slope
HCMIN - Lower limit of the critical height (0.9 * HC)
HCMAX - Upper limit of the critical height (1.1 * HC)
VESC - speed flow
QFC - Flow leaking section
QMAX - Maximum flow that can flow in the section already discounted clearance
HLMAX - maximum water height that can seep in section already discounted clearance