LIGARPONTOS connects Civil 3D dots in a more efficient way
It will be useful in topographic survey drawings, when you want to connect points.
To use the program:
- After loading LIGARPONTS.VLX with APPLOAD, type LIGARPONTOS on the command line
- The following items will be requested on the command line:
- What description to filter
Enter the description of the point to be filtered. Note that a wildcard character, such as *, can be used. Example: ARV *
- What is the longest distance to connect the points
The program needs this information to not connect points too far away.
- By which property to use in sorting
In general, road surveys follow in a direction, for example, east-west. This helps the program to direct the lines connecting the dots.
You can choose to:
- Name, if the numbering of the points is increasing
- X coordinate, if the survey is more horizontal
- coordinate Y, if the survey is more vertical
- What is the biggest difference in the number of points to connect them
If you choose to sort by name, it may be that the numbering "jumps" from one number to another, which ingests that the line should not be connected. Use as a border
- Anti-aliasing
This one is really cool !!! If the points to be connected are the edges of a road for example, it is to be expected that we have points on the left and right edge.
Selecting all at the same time and marking this option, the program will create lines for both edges separately !!!
- What layer to use on the line
Enter the layer where the lines will be drawn
- Now select the points. Note that the use of Window selections (points that are within the window), Crossing (points that are in or cross the window), Fence (points that cross the line deselecting)
Are very encouraged because you will process many more points at once
- Wait for the program to process
- Note that you will create LINE in 3D. This makes it easier to edit any line that has been incorrectly connected.
To merge the rows, use the AutoCAD JOIN command.
This program is very simple and any suggestions for improvement will be very welcome !!