NOTASERV2 - Translations

When generating the table, has included columns that return texts, for example: geometry points, these texts are enumerated within Civil 3D and you will be able get texts like:

Horizontal geometry
Code Description Common Translation
BeginOfAlign Alignment Start BP
EndOfAlign Alignment End EF
CurveTan Tangent Point PT
TanCurve Curve Point PC
CurveSpiral Circular to Spiral Transition CS
SpiralCurve Spiral to Circular Transition SC

Vertical Geometry
Code Description Common Translation
ProfileTanCurve Point of Vertical Curve PCV
ProfileCurveTan Vertical Tangent Point PTV
ProfileCurvePVI Inflection Point PIV

Please note that these are only those keywords. There are other videos, for example, the superelevation points.

To edit the translation table, click the Translate the table will be shown. Edit the values and when finished, click the OK button. The table will be saved in the TBN2C3D.ini file:

So when you process the report, see if there is a translation into the code. If he finds, he translates. No, the code remains.