SWMM - Time Series - Intensity
An Intensity Time Series describes the variation of rainfall as a function of time in
Rain gages
This series has the following properties:
- Identification
- Description - Use a friendly description when the item name is not enough
- Name - name of the item
Avoid names that are too long, or that contain the following characters: '*', '>', '<', '/', '\', '"', ':', ';', '|', '=', '`', '#', ',', '?'
- Error Evaluation
- Priority - Information about the current state of the item. Could it be:
Neutral: no problem
Critical: Some issue that prevents the item from being calculated or used
- Start Date - Date when the simulation starts
- Start Time - Time of day the simulation starts
- Data table - the time series data, with the columns:
- Date - the date value for multi-day simulations
- Time - the time value on the day specified in the date (if any)
- Value - the value to use
See also: Time Series