SWMM - Temperature

Use to specify the source of temperature data used in Snow Melt calculations. It is also used to select a climate file as a possible source for evaporation rates.

There are three options available:

  1. No data - select this option if melting is not being simulated and evaporation rates are not calculated from daily temperatures.
  2. Time Series - select this option if the variation in temperature over the simulation period is described by one of the project's time series . Enter the name of the time series by clicking the button
  3. External Climate File - select this option if daily minimum/maximum temperatures are read from an external Climate File:

    Also enter the file name (or click the to search the file). If you want to start reading the Climate File on a specific date in time other than the simulation start date (as specified in Simulation Options), check the "Start reading the file at" box and enter a start date (month/day/year) in the date entry field next to it. Use this option if you want daily evaporation rates to be estimated from daily temperatures or read directly from the file.