SWMM - LID Controls - Rain Garden
Rain Garden - are a type of bio-retention cell consisting only of the engineered soil layer, with no gravel layer below it
- Storage
- Storage Height - Gravel layer thickness or Rain Barrel height
- Clogging Factor - Total volume of treated runoff required to completely clog the bottom of the layer divided by the void volume of the layer
- Voice Index - The volume of void space in relation to the volume of solids in the layer
- Infiltration rate - The rate at which water penetrates the native soil below the layer
- Soil
- Field Capacity - Volume of pore water in relation to total volume after soil drains completely
- Hydraulic Conductivity - Hydraulic Conductivity for fully saturated soil
- Conductivity Slope - Slope of the curve of log (Conductivity) versus soil moisture content (dimensionless)
- Thickness - Thickness of the soil layer
- Wilting Point - Volume of pore water in relation to total volume for a very dry soil, where only bound water remains
- Porosity - The volume of pore space in relation to the total soil volume
- Suction Potential - The average value of soil capillary suction along the wetting front
- Surface
- Vegetable Coverage - Vegetal Coverage
- Slope - Surface slope
- Side Slope - Slope of the side walls of a cross section of a ditch
- Storage Depth - Storage Depth
- Surface Roughness - Roughness