Population Projection - Logistics Curve
Population growth follows a mathematical relationship, which establishes an S-shaped curve.
The population tends
asymptotically to a saturation value.
The parameters can also be estimated by non-linear regression.
Required conditions:
- P0 < P1 < P2 e e P0.P2 < P1^2
- The inflection point on the curve occurs at time [to-ln(c)/K1] and with Pt=Ps/2
- To apply the formulas, the data must be equidistant in time.
- First Census
- Year of the First Census - Year of the First Census
- Population at First Census - Population at First Census
- Intermediate Census
- MidCensusPop - MidCensusPop
- MidCensusYear - MidCensusYear
- Second Census
- Year of the Second Census - Year of the Second Census
- Population at the Second Census - Population at the Second Census
- Start of the Project
- Initial Year - Year the project started operating
- Initial Population - Population at the beginning of the project
- Population Projection
- Growth Rate - growth rate of the curve
kPop = (2 * FirstCensusPop * MidCensusPop * SecondCensusPop - (MidCensusPop^2) * (FirstCensusPop + SecondCensusPop)) /
(FirstCensusPop * SecondCensusPop - MidCensusPop ^ 2)
- Year of Projection - Year of End of Project
- Final Population - Population at the end of the project
EndPop = kPop / (1 + (kPop - FirstCensusPop) / FirstCensusPop * Math.Exp(coefK1 * (EndYear - StartYear)))
- K1 coefficient - auxiliary coefficient
coefK1 = 1.0 / (SecondCensusYear - MidCensusYear) * Math.Log((FirstCensusPop * (kPop - MidCensusPop)) /
(MidCensusPop * (kPop - FirstCensusPop)))