Population Projection - Geometric Projection
Population growth according to
existing population at any given time.
Used for minor estimates
The curve fit can be
also done by regression analysis
- First Census
- Year of the First Census - Year of the First Census
- Population at First Census - Population at First Census
- Second Census
- Year of the Second Census - Year of the Second Census
- Population at the Second Census - Population at the Second Census
- Start of the Project
- Initial Year - Year the project started operating
- Initial Population - Population at the beginning of the project
- Population Projection
- Year of Projection - Year of End of Project
- Final Population - Population at the end of the project
EndPop = StartPop * Math.E ^ (kPop * (EndYear - StartYear))
- Growth Rate - growth rate of the curve
kPop = (Math.Log(SecondCensusPop) - Math.Log(FirstCensusPop)) / (SecondCensusYear - FirstCensusYear)