This is a basic tutorial to implement new parts in Civil 3D catalog. I ask you to excuse the background in black.
It is best to view.
Command PARTBUILDER, click the "New Chapter" button, give it a name, for example: teste_quadrado
Click the "New Parametric Part" button, name and description, for example: teste_quadrado
Will open the editor PartBuilder, which is about the same as the AutoCAD block editor.
Note that the first node, Part Configuration, must be configured:
Part Type: Junction Structure, in the case of a manhole or connection box.
If it were a wing would be Inlet-Outlet
this information sets mandatory variables such as height and background wall and slab thicknesses
Shape: Box, in this example, the structure is a rectangular box.
This information defines some mandatory variables for the model, such as
width, height and length.
In the last node, Parameters Size, will show the variables that control the model.
Note, only after setting the above parameters,
and click the button to save, that variables will appear:
Basically, we model a solid.
For this we need to create a work plan and it create lines and geometric shapes that extrude to generate solid.
So Let's start creating the top level.
It is here that we define the insertion point of the structure and normally will be on a surface.
To do this click:
Enter a name, eg Top Plane:
To make it easy to identify on the screen, a square yellow is created in the drawing.
It defines the plan we just created.
Now, the plan "Top Plane" we need to add one point.
This point needs to be fixed, or can not move.
To do this click the right mouse button on the plan name:
Enter the point in the middle of the yellow square.
Use the OSNAP Mid Between two points to facilitate.
The point is created on the screen, color White
As stated, the point needs to be fixed.
To do this, right click on it and select the Fixed option, as in the image:
Note that after this point will be in color Green.
This indicates that it is a fixed geometry.
You will need to create at least one line that is also fixed.
It will be the "X" axis of the plane.
In the example, we will create a line to represent the "Y" axis as well.
To do this click:
Do not forget to make the two lines and points that define them as fixed:
To create the solid, which in the example will be a paving stone, we will create a Rectangular Profile.
Later we will extrude it, generating solid:
Now we need to prevent this rectangle rotate anyway.
For this, we require that vertical edges are parallel to the axis "Y", while the horizontal edges are parallel the "X" axis.
To this, add a Constraints:
Note that when you select the item on the screen Content Builder, it is highlighted in the drawing screen:
We still need to keep the rectangle to move anyway.
To do this, let's say the central point, which is fixed, is the Mid Point
Add two restrictions, since the clicking point 1,2 and 3 and another by selecting the points 1,4 and 5, in this order:
Now we need to put some Dimensions, which will control the height and width of the rectangle.
Let's start with the horizontal measure, which will be the length.
Select two points that define the white rectangle.
It is like creating a dimension, so just answer the questions on the command line.
Use 150 as a measure.
Note that this measure will only be used to draw something.
It will be overwritten later.
You can also select the measure on Content Builder:
The dimension is called LenA1
Repeat, now adding a vertical extent, to represent the breadth:
Use the value 100.
It should look like this:
The dimension is called LenA2
We can "extrude" the rectangle and thereby generate solid.
For this, place the 3D view to facilitate:
Add the extrusion by clicking the command and selecting the rectangle of white:
On the screen that opens, set the parameters like these:
This says to extrude down from the "Top Plane" plan, at a distance of 120
The next step is to define the insertion point of the structure.
This is done by setting the point Auto Layout Date.
See the figure, we will select the initial fixed point, marked with a yellow arrow:
We already have the basics, which is solid.
Now we need to give the user ways to modify the size of the structure, so after adding the Part Family
it can define which dimensions of the Part Size.
Then right-click on the node Size Parameters "Add":
Usually the boxes are defined by internal measurements, since the walls can vary depending on the structural design of the box.
For the Part Builder understand and manage the size of the structure, you must define the variables that control it.
Here is a hint: Despite the Part Builder
accept that you create custom variables, practice shows that this does not works as well huh Autodesk .
Good practice indicates that use the variables are already known, such as:
Inner Structure Length
Internal length of the structure
Built manually
Inner Structure Width
Internal width of the structure
Built manually
Wall Thickness
Wall thickness
Built to define the type of structure Junction Structure
Floor Thickness
bottom slab thickness
Built to define the type of structure Junction Structure
Rim to Sump Height
box Internal height
This variable is controlled by the blip of the fund dimension profile
Structure Length
outer length of the box
Built to set the shape and Box
Structure Height
External Height of the box
Built to set the shape and Box
Structure Width
External Width box
Built to set the shape and Box
Part Size Name
Box Name, size
All structures have
Note: These variables are defined in a file within the catalog, in Pipes Catalog\AECC Shared Content\AeccPartParamCfg.Xml, see:
Let's not get into this merit yet.
Returning to Civil 3D, we create two variables: SIL and SIW:
Watch the screen Edit Part Size.
Click the button:
Browse and add the variable SIW
We added these two variables, as they are already configured in the Pipes Catalog \ AECC Shared Content \ AeccPartParamCfg.Xml so that you
visible to the user in the edit screen:
Later, you will see that many variables are available or not on the screen above.
Our structure already has width and length.
Let's now add the Height.
In Civil 3D, the height of the boxes is controlled by the variable SRS which is
internal height of the box.
For this we still need to create a Dimension to modify the solid.
Right-click on the node Model Distance:
The program asks you to select the extruded solid.
This will create a call dimension LenB1
The next step is to create the relationships between variables.
Particularly those defining values for SBSW, SBSH and SBSL.
These three variables are created automatically, after setting the structure has a Shape Type Box, step done at the beginning of the tutorial.
Without these three variables, the box simply not appear on the screen when you insert it in the PipeNetwork.
This is one of the most frustrating things in the Part Builder.
To create the relationships between the variables, click the right mouse button on the node Model Parameters:
Note the table below.
Highlighted the variables that the user can edit later.
The others are constants or calculated:
The calculated variables are those that you do not directly control.
They are evaluated by mathematical expressions.
For example:
SBSL = 2 * Wth + SIL
SBSW = 2 * Wth + SIW
Reinforcing: Without these three variables, the structures do not appear in the drawing after being inserted
To edit the equation, double-click on the corresponding cell.
Interpret the entered equations.
Now we need to configure how variables appear to the end user.
Normally SIL and SIW appear as options in a list:
Others, may appear as a number that should be within a range.
To set this, click the right mouse button on the node Size Parameters
then Edit Configuration:
Set up as shown below:
Note: You may not edit the line Data Storage.
If this happens, save it, close and reopen:
IMPORTANT: The variables that will appear to the user, need to be with the Visible marked True.
Some should not appear.
This is the case
these: LenA1, LenA2, LenB1.
They do not appear on screen Part Size Creator
After defining the types of variables, set the values for the variables, which will be available in Part Size Creator.
The node Size Parameter, click to edit the values.
If the display is already open, click:
In this step you can also get this error:
Note that you can not edit values.
Again, click to save, close, open again and return to the edit screen , which is that Autodesk? .
Select the variable SIL for example, and add the values: 800,1000,1200,1400,1600 and 1800, in millimeters:
These are the values available in screen Part Size Creator:
Note that define this variable with units in millimeters on the screen Configuration.
So the values need to be in these units.
See how it looks:
Edit the variable SRS.
Note that we define with Data Storage like Range.
Because it can take an actual numeric value whatsoever within a range
the maximum and minimum also in millimeters:
We still need to define the nomenclature of our structure.
This nomenclature varies as we change the dimensions of the box.
Then on the screen of Size Parameters, choose
the item Calculations.
In it, we will modify the variable PrtSN.
Look at the figure below.
Locate the variable PSTyp, click Add and then click the Evaluate:
Find the variable SIW, set the Precision to zero and click the Insert.
Do the same with SIL.
Click the Evaluate button.
look like PV_RETANGULAR 1000 x 1000
You are free to create this nomenclature.
Just watch out for include at least SIL and SIW in order to facilitate the identification of the structure in Parts List.
Finally, you must create an image to be shown in creation screen of Parts List.
To do this click the Generate Bitmap:
Choose a view:
It's always good to validate the structure, to know if you have any errors.
If so, it will not work in the Civil 3D screen.
To validate click:
Click to save and close.
You will return to Civil 3D screen.
Return the command screen PartBuilder and click the button Test Catalog:
Also, click the Catalog Regen:
Now create an Parts List and see their structure available:
When inserting new Part Size, see the available values for SIL and SIW
After that, see if the name of the structure was correct:
Create a PipeNetwork and enter its structure.
Appeared [emphasis in question !!!!] ????????
Do not ??? [more emphasis on question!!!!] ????????
So does the following:
Close the Civil 3D
Navigate to the folder of your catalog, usually in C: \ ProgramData \ Autodesk \ C3D 2015 \ enu \ Pipes Catalog
Locate the definition of the structure, which should be in Pipes Catalog \ Metric Structures \ Chapter \, where Chapter is the name
you chose at the beginning of the tutorial:
Open the XML file that has the name of its structure with Notepad and go to the end of the file, locate tagged lines:
Note that they must have values 0000 to SBSL, SBSW and SBSH, bug partBuilder, as defined equations for this.
Edit to look like this:
Note that only includes equations:
SBSL = 2 * $Wth + $SIL
SBSW = 2 * $Wth + $ SIW
SBSH = $SRS + $FTh
Save the file and close
Open Civil 3D
Call the PartBuilder and make the Catalog Regen and Test Catalog Again
Create a Parts List note that SBSL, SBSW and SBSH now has correct values:
Create pipenetwork and enter its structure:
Note, this is a basic tutorial, but that will be very useful to help with getting started.
Some points need to be observed:
Obligatory topics
Types of variables
Basic shapes (point, line, profile)
Tricks Technical Adjustments
If you followed the tutorial and something seems to have gone wrong, see the result here
Last tip: If you create other structures or tubes, to add to its catalog, simply copy the folder with three files (dwg, bmp and xml) for the corresponding item
(Structure or Pipe) in the catalog and on Civil 3D, do Catalog regen