Main board columns

The main board will feature several columns, which can be:

Tells the errors present in the gutter.

Tells the gutter is exist or not. If it is, you cannot edit some items in it

Error that can happen with the water height due to the critical water height.
The DNIT (Brazil), the water height must not be within the 10% of the critical water height:

0.9 * hc < water height < 1.1 * hc

Error that can happen with the water height due to the minimum clearance.

According to the manual DNIT the clearance should not be less than:

ditches on land for up to 0.3 m³/s ;

f = 0.2 * h


f = clearance (freeboard)
h = depth of trench.

ditches on land with capacity from 0.3 to 10.0 m³/s :

f = (46 × h) ^ 0.5

lined ditches can be used in the following table:
Q (m³/s) f (cm)
Up - 0.25 10
0.25 to 0.56 13
0.56 to 0.84 14
0.84 to 1.40 15
1.40 to 2.80 18
above 2.80 20

Error happens when:



QFC is the flow.

It is given by the equation:

QFC = C * I * AREA

C, is the coefficient of waterproofing
I, is rain precipitation
AREA, is the area proportional to the basin contribution.
QADM, is admissible flow. It occurs when the water height is the flow that causes the maximum water height or the minimum clearance.

Error happens when the flow velocity is greater than the maximum speed set for the type of section used.

This parameter can only be edited whit EditSecaoSarj

Reference alignment to lease the gutter.
May be the axis of the highway for example. To change this value, double-click the cell and select an alignment.

Start station of the gutter in reference alignment.

End station of the gutter in reference alignment.

Layout profile.

If surface profiles cannot be used, draw Profile by Layout. To change this value, double-click the cell and select a profile.

Cross section of the gutter.
Sets also include manning coefficient, material and usage.

To change this value, double-click the cell and select a section.

The sections may be:
The equivalent width of basin contribution.
Since it is difficult to assess the real contribution in the area of each stay out of the gutter, it is practical to use a wide equivalent that when multiplied by the length of the gutter, it returns the total area of contribution thereof.

HVERT - Height of weir.
When the longitudinal slope of the ditch cannot follow the natural slope Land, because then the flow velocity would exceed the permissible it should be staggered lower slope portions (2% maximum) by Small dams transverse according to Figure 52:

spacing - spacing weir.
The spacing is given by:

E = H/(inc - 2 %)


H is the height of the spillway
inc is the longitudinal slope of the gutter
is the lowest spacing calculated for spillways

STAINDEX - Distance between sections evaluated. Usually 20 to 20m, or 5 in 5m.

TC - Time of concentration.
It is time that the rain delay to reach the section evaluated.

C - Coefficient of waterproofing.
must be greater than zero and less than 1

I - Precipitation of rain.
Calculated according to the equation rain, the TC and TR

AREATOTAL - area total contribution of the gutter.
is given by:


LARGURAEQUIV is the equivalent width.
EXT is the gutter length.

Total length of the gutter.

NMAN - Manning coefficient.
Dimensionless and less than 1. Can only be edited in the definitions of cross sections within the catalog.